Your Goals. Your Success. Your Future.
Coaching you to break through.

Congratulations! You’ve started a great company with good product/market fit and the revenues are growing.
But now you have to grow the company to meet this market demand. Meanwhile you’re overwhelmed with too much to do. You spend your days in the daily scramble putting out fires and not doing the proactive planning needed to grow.
Delegation is a challenge as is getting the right people onboard while maintaining the culture you want to create. How do you coach your people to be high performers, be innovators, be accountable for getting things done, be inspired? And personal life, how do you fit that in?
What you’d rather have:
- Less overwhelm from the day-to-day stuff and more time for planning.
- People you trust, who are well trained, who fit the culture, who get things done and who can think for themselves
- To take some time off without feeling things might falter without your presence
- To know what you don’t know to grow the company to the next level
We customize these services to meet your needs and create your company as the launchpad to the next level:
After our work together the sales process feels so much more natural, confident and sincere. I know my perspective has been shifted ever so slightly so I can see my company’s future potential for growth from a completely different angle. It’s like switching seats with someone in a theater, and all of a sudden, your view is clear and you get it! You have probably given me more insight into my own company and my own dreams over the last few months than I ever had myself after several years in business. I feel like the fog in my head has lifted, and anything is possible.”
You have essentially propelled us forward in our mission helping shape a plan of action that will guide us for months and years to come –and certainly, most certainly, drive improved results! I would instantly refer you to anyone who wants to get from point A to point B in their business, and wants a solid sense of knowing where they are going and what they are going to do to get there.
In your organization you’re promoting people to levels of supervision, management or senior leadership. You’d like to support them by giving them the training and coaching to be successful.
Your organization may be like two thirds of organizations globally with poor employee engagement. There may be conflicts between people or departments creating drama that makes you as a leader less effective or prevents the organization from achieving its goals.
There are teams that don’t function well, people not achieving their potential, time management problems, generations that don’t communicate, meetings that don’t achieve anything, lack of accountability and resistance to change.
You might also be dealing with poor decision making, customer service complaints, and processes that take too long

What you’d rather have:
- Your leadership and culture generating high productivity and morale, staff retention, efficiency and innovation.
- Hiring for attitude and cultural fit
- A work environment with no drama and good communication.
- Projects that are completed on time and on budget
- Your organization generating a great customer experience and reducing costs through interdepartmental collaboration
- A strategic plan that moves your organization forward with all stakeholders buying into it and working to complete it
We customize these services to meet your needs and create your company as the launchpad to the next level:
Jeri’s Customer Service workshop has increased productivity in our customer service department by 10% and increased morale throughout the organization.

You’re either forming a partnership, or in a partnership growing a business, or thinking about breaking up a partnership. You might have one partner or many partners.
The key is good communication at every stage of your partnership. How do you choose the right person, not for the short term, but for the long term?
When you’re growing the business, life gets in the way. How do you navigate your changing needs, focuses, family requirements, market trends, monetary issues?
Are you and your partner(s) thinking about breaking up? Will it be amicable which will lessen everyone’s stress, cost and time involvement? Or is it going to be litigious?
What you’d rather have:
- Partner(s) who are committed to the same goals you are and with whom you have an easy flowing relationship.
- Partner(s) who co-lead the organization and make it easy for employees to be engaged, productive and happy.
- A profitable organization that accomplishes its goals and provides a good income and goal fulfillment to each of the owners.
We customize these services to meet your needs and create your company as the launchpad to the next level:
Since we started working with Jeri, we’ve more than doubled our gross revenues. AND we were able to take a vacation to Paris. We’re getting a handle on profitability, client negotiations and ‘scope creep’. We’re delegating more to several deserving staff relieving strain on our busy lives. Jeri’s coaching has made a world of difference.
What Our Clients Say
Contact Us:
Telephone: 212-923-5820
Or: 570-881-4261
610 5th Avenue, #833
New York, NY 10185
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