The Daily Scramble, Dealing with Change

Focus on Sustainability

I am a member of the Institute for Sustainability.  This is a national organization made up of coaches, consultants and management advisers that are planning for what their clients will be needing in the area of sustainability. What is sustainability? Many people...

Employee Engagement Study by Blessing White Research 2011

This study involved 11,000 individuals from 6 industrialized parts of the globe. Each of the 11,000 participants was asked: “Assuming you have a choice, do you plan on remaining with your organization through the next 12 months?” – participants in the U.S. responded: ...

When leaders get stuck, what do they do?

When I first saw this video clip, it made me chuckle out loud.   Take a minute to view it before you continue reading: How often do we find ourselves stuck?  And do we wait for someone to come and help us out of our fix?  Do we feel like we can’t take action without...

Motivating the New Workforce….What’s it going to take?

Neuroscience research is revealing the social nature of the high-performance workplace. This reference comes from an article by D. Rock entitled “Managing with the Brain in Mind.” So what does this have to do with Motivation? According to the researchers of this study...

The Ocean of Wealth

As I write this I’m living and working in New York City. Everywhere I look there is abundant wealth. Between investment bankers, hedge funds, luxury shopping, big negotiated deals, skyscrapers being bought and sold, all kinds of businesses buying all kinds of...

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