Business Divorce Institute
From Prevention to Finalization
Everything You Want to Know About Business Partnerships
Want the benefits of partnerships while reducing the risk?
At your wits’ end with a bad partner and wanting out?
The authors? An attorney and a business coach/consultant who have had real life experience as partners in their own small businesses.

This free eBook is a comprehensive guide to business partnerships. Our attorney and communications expert advise you on the entire process of starting, growing and ending a business partnership. This free downloadable ebook gives you access to 33 pages of actionable guidance including case studies. You’ll come away with these benefits:
- How to save money, time and stress at all stages of your partnership
- How to protect yourself and your family
- How to use a healthy partnership to empower business growth
- How you can get out of a seemingly hopeless business partnership
- The details of forming, growing or breaking up a business partnership
Please Let Us Know What You Are Most Interested In & Get Immediate Access To This Easy-to-Read eBook
The flow chart on page 7 totally sets the stage for the book’s premise and purpose.
Information of this type is very much needed within the small business community, as many entrepreneurs have little knowledge of these topics. The combination of communication, legal, and business organizational strategies is unique and creative, as well as enhances the readability of the book. Kudos to you and Richard for producing such a worthwhile publication!
This e-Book Will Benefit:
- Entrepreneurs wondering if taking on a business partner is a wise move
- Business owners whose partnership is falling apart
- Partners wondering whether to stay or to go in their business venture
- Anyone who feels trapped in a difficult situation, and other attorneys have not been able to help
- A business partner who wants to maximize the partnership for business growth
- A spouse of a business partner who is impacted by problems inside the business partnership
- Children or grandchildren of a business partner wondering about business transition issues and the future
- Advisers with business-owner-clients such as CPAs, financial planners, investors, divorce attorneys, bankers, estate and trust attorneys, business valuation experts, intellectual property attorneys, CFOs, insurance professionals, therapists, teachers of business courses, business coaches/consultants and business attorneys
What Specifically Will You Learn In Our eBook?
In our experience business partners are either seeking to form a partnership, seeking strategies to use make their partnership work to grow the business, or seeking to break up the partnership. Our ebook addresses all three areas. Review the section below that most clearly meets your needs.
Contact Us:
Telephone: 212-923-5820
Or: 570-881-4261
610 5th Avenue, #833
New York, NY 10185