Help Me Name This Blog Contest

Welcome!! I see you found my new site and my blog. I’m so excited that now I can have an interactive forum with you. I look forward to your comments. I’m building my business around helping you solve your firm’s growth needs. So please let me know by commenting on...

You Always Have a Choice.

You have a choice to think positively or negatively. You can choose to listen to that voice inside your head that says, ‘You’re procrastinating again.’ Or ‘I didn’t have to let that edge creep into my voice.’ Or ‘I’m in a lousy mood and it’s so easy to complain, but...

Leadership and The Value of the First Follower

Can you be a leader with no followers? This fun video show how a movement gets started, develops followers and gains real traction. Perhaps it takes creativity to be a leader, but it takes courage to be the first follower. Can you be a leader with no followers? This...

Dealing With Your Inner Critic

Does your inner critic limit the size or growth of your business, the opportunities you seek and the risks you’ll take? Business is all about risks, for instance, the risk of investment of time, energy and money, the risk of each new hire, the risk of a new...

7 Useful Gifts for Valentine’s Day

Here’s some useful information for Valentine’s Day (and any day)!! These are gifts that will be truly treasured no matter who you call your Valentine. Maybe you have a spouse or significant other. Maybe you have a business partner, employees, customers or...