by Jeri Quinn | Jan 25, 2011 | Creativity, Just For Fun, Leadership
Have you sever seen synchronized swimming that’s a part of the Olympics? Well this is done with seniors, men in various shapes and sizes. It’s hilarious. On the surface it’s just plain fun. But someone acted as a leader to put it together. Some one was very creative...
by Jeri Quinn | Dec 2, 2010 | Change to Goal Achievement & Implementation, Creativity, Leadership, Positive Thinking, Self-Leadership Mindset
John Assaraf has been a leader in understanding how to use the most recent brain research to retrain the brain to work in our favor in creating health, wealth, and happy relationships. Since appearing in the Secret, he’s been a featured writer, speaker and thought...
by Jeri Quinn | Nov 18, 2010 | Employee Engagement & Staff Retention, Leadership
In this interview Dan explains that the things that make a difference to employees’ motivation level are free. He gives examples. Beyond the basics of an OK salary, people are more motivated by: Autonomy – Have some say over the work they do Mastery – Get a sense of...
by Jeri Quinn | Nov 16, 2010 | Employee Engagement & Staff Retention, Leadership
Be engaged To contribute more than the minimum at work To show initiative To be creative, to excel If you think it’s all rewards and punishments, you better think again. Watch this video by Dan Pink, author of ‘DRiVE’, for the research-based straight scoop. Dan Pink...
by Jeri Quinn | Oct 28, 2010 | Customer Service, Leadership
Sandbagging is a term most often used in the game of golf. In golf it refers to players who either miss shots on purpose or outright cheat by turning in a higher score than they actually shot. This affects the handicap that is given to non-professional golfers to help...
by Jeri Quinn | Oct 25, 2010 | Employee Engagement & Staff Retention, Leadership
You’re out on the town with some good friends hoping to have a great dinner and a memorable evening. There’s a diner on the corner and a great Italian restaurant down the street. Which one are you going to choose The Diner – You May Want to Stick to the Basics Want a...