by Jeri Quinn | Jun 28, 2011 | Business coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Authors Larry Bossidy and Ram Charam in their book “Execution…The discipline of Getting Things Done” included a letter to a new leader. The letter not only outlines the points of the book, but also represents what can be described as a path to organizational...
by Jeri Quinn | Jun 21, 2011 | Business coaching, Customer Service, Employee Engagement & Staff Retention, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Henry has a decision to make. The disgruntled customer in front of him has a valid point. There had been a mix up on the part of Henry’s service team and things had not gone smoothly. It wasn’t the end of the world but the customer had been inconvenienced once and now...
by Jeri Quinn | Jun 2, 2011 | Business coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Recession Proofing
I was rereading the book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins the other day and it occurred to me that with all the talk about sustainability in business we should revisit some of those basic concepts covered in that book. The chapter on Fifth Level Leaders really hits home...
by Jeri Quinn | May 26, 2011 | Business coaching, Leadership
Since at least the time of Plato and Socrates some 2400 years ago, mankind has been implored to “know thyself,” in life and in business. Individually, this is often taken to mean knowing your strengths so you can leverage them and knowing your areas of weakness so you...
by Jeri Quinn | Apr 26, 2011 | Change to Goal Achievement & Implementation, Employee Engagement & Staff Retention, Leadership, Self-Leadership Mindset
Neuroscience research is revealing the social nature of the high-performance workplace. This reference comes from an article by D. Rock entitled “Managing with the Brain in Mind.” So what does this have to do with Motivation? According to the researchers of this study...
by Jeri Quinn | Apr 19, 2011 | Executive Coaching, Leadership, Self-Leadership Mindset
When I first saw this video clip, it made me chuckle out loud. Take a minute to view it before you continue reading: How often do we find ourselves stuck? And do we wait for someone to come and help us out of our fix? Do we feel like we can’t take action without...