In the last issue we gave some metrics that indicated how focusing on customer loyalty can save you money and grow your sales. Start thinking about your customers in terms of their lifetime value. If each sale is $1,000 and a customer may buy something twice a year, that’s only $2,000 per year.
But multiply that times the 20 years that he may buy your product and you have an income source for $40,000. Most buying decisions are based on emotions. Gallop polls have done research that indicates that customer loyalty is achieved by unique points of connection, emotional interactions and memories that touch the hearts of your customers, something that makes them feel special or gives them attention. Your staff can be developed to recognize and leverage points of connection, understand and manage emotions and communication styles, use empathy and elicit trust. Providing your staff with the tools to better address their stress management will also help them focus on being empathetic with your customers. Your staff is your biggest asset and the main factor that makes your business unique. Outstanding customer-centric staff make for an outstanding business. To see a great customer loyalty story, go to Let me know what you think of it.