Every four years I watch the Olympics and am captivated by the dedication of these world class athletes to the specific sports they specialize in. One of the best things about the Olympics to me is that TV time is dedicated to sports that don’t usually make it on the air, rowing, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, diving, volleyball, etc. Most athletes specialize in just one or two events (like the 100 meter in track or the 400 meter butterfly in swimming) and they strive to become the best in the world in just that.
Of course, Michael Phelps is the exception. But even he doesn’t try basketball or even diving. Jim Collins in the book Good to Great talks about becoming the best in the world at something very specific.
Have you narrowed your focus and targeted your market? Do you do something specific very, very well in your profession or business? Is it easy to market to your audience because you know them well and they know you? Can you create a focused dance between your employees and customers?