
Are you ready to Drive Improved Results in your organization or career?

Our proven track record with these programs brings results as you’ve seen throughout these pages. You can achieve spectacular results also. You and your company will flourish within the coaching relationship. We hold the expectation for you and your staff to grow and evolve, providing you with tools and strategies along the way.  Each program is customizable to your needs. What results do you want to see? Which program can we customize for you?

 Engaged Employees | Business Consulting Firm | New York Consulting Firm

Engaging Employees to Drive Results™ Business Builder Program

The program partners with leaders and their staff to drive bottom line results created by engaged employees and loyal clients. This partnership builds a self-sustaining organization that has leaders who know how to leverage employees who want to be engaged and empowered to drive bottom line results. It builds a culture that creates a win-win-win for employees, clients and business owners.

Engaging Employees to Drive Results™ Business Builder Program

 Engaged Employees | Business Consulting Firm | New York Consulting Firm

Client Experience Workshop

An interactive workshop that informs, inspires and creates action to drive your organization to have a customer-centric focus. It provides the motivation to have a culture shift to a new way of looking at leaders, employees, clients, sales, marketing, strategic planning, employee management, professional development, and client connection.

Client Experience Workshop

 Engaged Employees | Business Consulting Firm | New York Consulting Firm

The Ambitious Executive Development Program™

A program that develops leaders who want to set the pace of their own destinies. It prepares ambitious individuals to become real leaders and become eligible for promotion sooner. It empowers the ‘inner you’ polishing your talents to shine, and then builds your leadership skills and professional network.

The Ambitious Executive Development Program™

 Engaged Employees | Business Consulting Firm | New York Consulting Firm

International Mastermind

CEO’s from the United States and Kenya come together to share resources, become better leaders of their own companies, learn from each other, possibly do business together and develop cross cultural understanding. A forum for small/medium business from different countries to interact and become a matrix for peace and understanding.

International Mastermind

 Engaged Employees | Business Consulting Firm | New York Consulting Firm


A taste, an appetizer, a way to try on Driving Improved Results before participating in one of our main offerings. Each low cost starter is meant to show you our results driven, no-nonsense way of getting things done. We work with you to create your desired outcomes. Participate in each one individually or in combination.

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