Starters Are Like Appetizers.
They give you a taste and whet your appetite for more.
Nothing breeds success like success itself. So we invite you to engage in these low cost ways of getting some immediate success working with Driving Improved Results. You’ll get to know us, you’ll build some momentum and you’ll have more certainty about your choices going forward.
Time Strategies for Crazy Busy People, An Anti-Procrastination Time Booster Program
A 5 session executive coaching program that puts time on your side. You will develop a time management system that works for you. You will change your attitude about your time, from being it’s servant to being it’s master, bringing you a greater sense of control, power and pride. It can be an individual coaching engagement or a group engagement.
[Read more about Time Strategies for Crazy Busy People]
Develop Your Business Growth Plan in 4.5 Hours
In this workshop you will create an uncomplicated very succinct one page business plan that tells you in one glance what you committed to work on and how that action aligns to your vision, annual and quarterly goals. It keeps you on track and moving forward When you plan, you set yourself up for success! You define your own future rather than accepting a default future.
[Read more about Develop Your Business Growth Plan in 4.5 Hours]
Hiring the Best People Using Assessments
Your people are what you are building your business on. They handle your customers/clients. They perform the services. Just interviewing candidates and checking their references doesn’t tell you nearly enough. Many companies use assessments to see how the candidate makes decisions, gets along with others, honors commitments, handles change and a lot more.
[Read more about Hiring the Best People Using Assessments]
Lunch and Learn Programs
Choose between 3 different presentations or ask us to customize one for you. We engage your staff in interactive discussion and provide them with skills in customer service, networking or goal achievement. We tell stories and give examples, we get them to try out new skills, we give them handouts that help them remember to use what they’ve learned.
[Read more about Lunch and Learn Programs]