We Work With Small & Medium Sized Business Owners To Get To The Next Level…When You Want to Drive Improved Results
You’re the leader of a company with 10-300 employees. You’re really good at the primary work of your business, but haven’t trained to be a CEO or a leader. Your business is successful, and you’re ready for the next level However, you may be at the limits of your knowledge about growing your company to that size.
Your business provides services—creative services, professional services, technology services, or sales and distribution. Your frontline employees interface heavily with clients. You’re concerned because those employees don’t always have as much buy-in as you would like. Many don’t show initiative or act super motivated. How can you increase your revenues without greater employee commitment?
Is Your Business Struggling With Some of These Problems?
We work with businesses that are experiencing some specific types of “growth pains”. These issues are guaranteed to restrict the growth your company is capable of. Are you dealing with the following problems in your business:
- Your employees don’t always care about the quality of their own work. Sure, a few seem motivated, but many are “9-to-5’ers”. You feel like a parent coaxing and reminding them to do the things that make a difference. Your staff provides adequate client service most of the time. You know though that they rarely go above and beyond to delight the client. They don’t do what it takes to generate raving fans, keep them coming back, and keep referrals flowing.
You’re itching to grow your company, but feel constrained by customer service issues. You’re ready to grow sales and expand, but you’re not sure your employees will deliver for you. You spend your time “putting out fires”. You know you should be more pro-active rather than re-active, but employee and customer issues get in the way.
- You’ve got systems and processes in place, but a lot slips through the cracks. You have best practices for marketing, sales, and getting client work done. What’s really bothering you though is what’s not getting done, things like:
- Up-selling, cross-selling, and follow-up
- Getting referrals, and asking for repeat business
- Communication between the sales team and the fulfillment team
- Recruiting and hiring the very best
- Some of your managers don’t know how to manage. When managers don’t delegate or hold direct reports accountable, they aren’t using management leverage. When they do tasks themselves so “it’s done right”, they’re limiting your company’s growth. It gets even more complicated when it involves relatives or “original employees” who aren’t trained managers.
Your Company May Be a Good Fit for Working with Us… to Drive Improved Results For You
For decades, we’ve worked with companies to improve their results. Over that time, it’s become obvious that successful clients have certain characteristics in common. Our most successful clients tend to have the following similar traits:
- Your people are the most important asset in the business. You care about your employees, and want them to enjoy their jobs. You especially want each to grow into his or her own potential. Empowering employees to become self-leaders is a priority for your business,the leadership short courses melbourne are great. Even if it’s not evident in all situations, people really do desire to improve themselves.
- You look at your business as a win-win for everybody. You want a business that makes money for everyone involved. You’re in business to make a profit, of course. You also want to share the rewards of hard work with those who contribute.
- You are committed to long-term solutions. You’re not looking for “band-aids”. You want to get to the root of issues and make permanent transformation. You’ll take our work together very seriously—committing time and keeping appointments.
- You take personal responsibility for “walking the talk” and leading by example. You are willing to proactively grow your culture. Whether things go right or things go wrong, you make no excuses.
- You are open to new ideas. Successful clients have a thirst for the knowledge that can improve their businesses. You are willing to learn, have a positive attitude, and believe that change is possible. You’re passionate about growth and are willing to invest to make it happen.
- You believe that work should be fun as well as fulfilling. You want to get out of bed excited about your day at work, and you want the same for your employees.
‘Your knowledge, drive and care for improving business plans has helped our company greatly. Your commitment to small business shows in your efforts, and I will recommend you highly to other businesses looking for growth. Thank You for all that you do. Charles J. Di Bartolo, President, BetterBizWorks, LLC
A Few Words About Who Is Not A Good Fit For Working With Driving Improved Results
In our experience, there are some leaders who are not a good fit. These include those who are so focused on money they don’t care about the lives of the individuals who work for them. Business owners who want us to “fix their people” and who refuse to take responsibility to change as well won’t succeed with us. Leaders with an authoritarian command-and-control leadership style won’t like our methods.
Where To Next?
Now that you understand the kinds of companies we work with, click this link to find out How We Work and what results you can expect.