by Jeri Quinn | Jul 8, 2010 | Client Loyalty/Experience, Marketing, Positive Thinking, Sales
This is one of my favorite videos on Youtube. It’s all about positivity, smiling, attracting people by how you make each person feel. This is the basis of client loyalty, that personal connection that makes people want to be around you. Each person in this short video...
by Jeri Quinn | Sep 22, 2008 | Client Loyalty/Experience
You’ve sold a product or a service. You’ve calculated your cost and sold it at a profit. So the sale is profitable, right? Not so fast. Is this the first sale to this customer? Have you calculated your customer acquisition cost? If you sold something for...
by Jeri Quinn | Apr 16, 2008 | Client Loyalty/Experience
Ever seen a leaky pail that you’re trying to fill? It never gets full because as much as you’re filling up the top, there is water pouring out of the cracks in the bottom. Do you work hard to get customers? If they don’t stay for a 2nd purchase,...